Year 6

In Year 6, children will consolidate their knowledge of Christianity by identifying why Christians say Jesus is the ‘Son of God’; the ‘Christ’ and both ‘God and man’. They will use their knowledge of Easter to suggest answers to questions that the resurrection of Jesus might raise and describe how signs of salvation in a church reinforce the Christian idea of forgiveness. Children will analyse how diverse expressions of Christian worship can reinforce faith & belief. They will gain an understanding of the Kingdom of God and use this to explain how Christians seek to live to advance the Kingdom on earth with reference to key texts such as the Beatitudes, The Lord’s Prayer, Jesus’ Temptations and Parables of the Kingdom.

Children will make links with their previous knowledge of Islam in order to explore how all Muslims are part of the ‘Ummah’ by showing how the Five Pillars enable Muslims to have peace with God. Children will also analyse how the main features of a mosque explain Muslim key beliefs, making links with previous work on features of a church and synagogue

Expanding on their knowledge of Hinduism introduced in year 5, children will describe various forms of worship that happen in the Hindu Temple, including Puja.

They will also analyse and evaluate Hindu beliefs about reincarnation, vegetarianism or caring for the environment. They will explain the Hindu idea of ‘Karma and how actions have consequences’.  Where appropriate, these ideas/principles could be linked to their own lives and views of people today e.g. vegetarianism.

Offering further opportunities for studying across religions (and, where appropriate, the impact of these on their own lives) children will cover one of the following (to be chosen by class teacher):

- Identify some of the reasons people believe/don’t believe in God.

-Compare & contrast what motivates people of a religious faith (e.g. Christian, Hindu and Muslim) and a non-religious belief to work together to impact UK society & the wider world through environmental and global charities.

-Suggest lines of enquiry and plan investigations into religious/non-religious viewpoints.