Year 4

In year 4 children will further enhance their understanding of the Christmas and Easter stories, using them to explain how Christians see God as ‘three in one’. (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). They will also begin to explore, with reference to the creative arts, how God has a salvation plan for humans. Children will be able to make references to Bible teaching, e.g. the two most important commandments, love & forgiveness using stories such as The Parables. They will build on previous knowledge of the influence of a Christian’s belief on everyday life to describe and explain how Christians live their life as disciples.

In Judaism, children will be able to explain the key events in a Jew’s life (e.g. Bat/Bar Mitzvah) and suggest why they are important to Jews. They will use their previous learning about the Torah to identify ways in which the Jews show respect for their holy book.

Children will continue to increase their knowledge about Islam. They will know all Muslims believe Muhammad (pbuh) to be a messenger of ‘God’. They will recognise a Qur’an and identify it with Islam. They will gain a deeper knowledge of how and why Muslims treat it with respect and believe it to be the exact words of ‘Allah’.

Children will be able to explain how Muslims organisations help people in need.

There will be further opportunities to explore cross religious views (and, where appropriate, the impact of these on their own lives) by exploring one of the following:

- how and why do people pray

- describing what Christians and Jews can learn about God from Old Testament stories.

- compare and contrast the Christian Jewish & Muslim ideas of God linking their ideas in with other secular views and perspectives.