Year 3

As well as continuing their learning of Christianity and Judaism, children also begin to learn about Islam.

In Christianity, children will build on previous learning to explain what Christians can learn about Jesus from the nativity stories, ie ‘God with us ‘Emmanuel’. They will describe and suggest reasons why Christians call Jesus ‘Saviour’ using references to key stories. Having already established in previous teaching the importance of the Bible, they will begin to explain how it is used in the local church by Christians for guidance, devotion & inspiration.

They will compare & contrast ‘infant’ and ‘believer’s baptism’, suggesting why they are important to Christians.

In Judaism, they will reflect on what they learnt about Shabbat at KS1 and now describe three key ways in which Jews celebrate a festival e.g. Passover; Yom Kippur or Rosh Hashanah. They will also use previous knowledge gained about the Torah to describe and explain why the Torah is important to Jews.

In Islam, children will:

-Explain how Muslims describe Allah, e.g. using 99 names.

-Recall five key facts about the story of the ‘Night of Power’ Muhammad’s (pbuh) first revelation.

Links between religions (and, where appropriate, the impact of these on their own lives) will be made in a variety of ways including one of the following:

- explaining why the 10 commandments are important to both Jews & Christians whilst linking ideas to other sacred texts/non-religious teachings.

- begin to ask simple questions about the decisions people make and suggest what might happen as a result of different decisions.