Year 5 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 5

many hearts make a school.jpg

Your  Y5  teachers are:   

Mrs Allen, Mrs Curzon and Mrs Cross.

(Miss Curzon is usually in 5A on a Wednesday.)


Spring Term 2025

Welcome to the Spring Term. 

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and here's to a very Happy New Year! 2025, here we come!  We are excited about a new term with lots of fasincating and exciting activities ahead.  

If parents and carers need to contact the class teacher, you may email the relevant class address  - see below. We will endeavour to respond within 72 hours. Alternatively, you can put a note in your child's blue organiser but please do ensure that your child is aware they have a message to hand in. 


Miss Cross's email Address:

Mrs Allen's email Address:



Please ensure that you log in to your class Teams page each week, as this will contain some other Y5 information as well as weekly homework. 

Please can you write in your child's organiser if you wish for them to either meet you at the school gates or walk home from school or if there are changes with these arrangements.

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Year 5: Calendar items

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