Snow Day Monday 6th January 2025
Snow Day Home Learning Tasks
Some of you may be able to do some home learning today and for some, it may not be possible. This is completely understood.
PLEASE DO DO SOME READING and record your reflections on your reading in your organiser. TT Rockstars is available as always or you could make yourself some flashcards for a wobbly times table. See the below for other tasks you could do.
Spend 20+ minutes reading today.
You could read a book, a comic, or something online that interests you –
This website has lots of great information to help you prepare for our learning about Space.
Making plurals using the suffix -es and -ves | Oak National Academy
Watch the lesson video and complete the questions/tasks linked to it.
Describe and write decimal numbers with hundredths in different ways | Oak National Academy
Complete the quiz as a reminder of the work from last term.
Practise a weak times table.
Science: Snowball challenge.
KS2 Science: Which material is the most effective insulator? - BBC Teach
Experiment task
Using what you know about thermal insulators, how long can you keep a snowball “alive “ indoors? (Without the use of a fridge or freezer!) Create an experiment to test the best way to prevent a snowball from melting!
Research task
We will be learning about the Earth in Space this term. Find out about the planets of the solar system – you could draw a Solar system diagram and write an interesting fact about each planet.
Maybe you could come up with a good question to ask the guide when the mobile planetarium visits.
Art: Sketching
Use a mirror to help you sketch an accurate self-portrait. Just head and shoulders.
You could look for some top tips on lie for how to draw faces - eyes. nose etc.
Today is a special day in France. Find out about it here.
Culture: La Fête des Rois (The Festival of the Kings) - 1st level French - BBC Bitesize
Draw a cartoon strip to explain the tradition of the King’s Cake, or make a pretend Kings’ Cake with Play Doh and act out the tradition.