Nursery 2024 - 2025

During the Spring Term, our topic is titled

'Off we go!'. 

During Spring, our learning will focus on:


Our Two year-old's classroom time will focus on the following  stories: 

We're going on a Bear Hunt, Toddle Waddle, Bruno's Box, Walking Through the Jungle, The Train ride...


Our three and four year old's classroom time will focus on the following stories : We're Going on a Bear Hunt, It's Not a Stick, It's Not a Box, The Train Ride, Naughty Bus. They will have the opportunities to orientate books correctly, turn pages and anticipate story events using the pictures. 


During our weekly phonics sessions, we will play many games that will immerse your child with rhyme and alliteration. They will continue to be introduced to phonemes (sounds), exploring objects that have the same initial sound (n, m, d, g, o, c, k, e). It is important that your child has plenty of experience listening to and joining in with nursery rhymes, stories and poems.


In Number, we will continue to explore the world of Number Land. We will match quantities to numerals. We create Number Lane - ordering and comparing numbers 0-6 and matching objects to numbers by their quantity e.g. a glove on 5 as it has five numbers, a triangle on 3 as it has three sides etc. This supports the children by bringing each number alive and taking it from the abstract to something they can understand. 

We start with number 1.


Please visit to find out more. 


Our weekly Problem solving sessions involve simple (but meaningful) number, shape or space problems, explored through games and songs. These sessions involve following 2 or 3 step instructions using positional language (on, in, under, next to, behind, in front, in between) and pronouns and nouns (girl, boy, mummy, daddy, she, he). For example - put the girl behind the table? 

We also use use comparative language to compare lengths of objects - (long, short, longest, shortest, longer, shorter, biggest, smallest). 


Please visit NCETM for more information on the different principles of counting. 


Reading and sharing stories

We will share many stories with your child each week, reading one on one, in small groups and all together at home times.

Our home time stories will be - The Gruffalo, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Triangle, We're going on a Picnic, There's a Superhero in my Book, What to do with a box.

In addition, we will of course be enjoying so much more learning through play!

Please do not hesitate to contact

with any questions you have.



Good Morning to you all!

Mrs Evans, Mrs Nash, Miss Webb, Mrs Beresford, Mrs Chamila, Miss Burgess, Mrs Rodgers, Mr Garba and Miss Laffy cannot wait to see you all on Monday! 

Two Year olds Home Learning

Number – set up a picnic.

After your adventure in the snow why not set up a picnic for lunch! 

We are looking for your child to be able to: Selects a small number of objects from a group when asked, for example, ‘please give me one’, ‘please give me two’.

Shall we have a picnic?

Ask your child to set up a picnic for 2 people. What do we need? How many plates/bowls/spoons/cups will we need?




Shape, Space and Measure - Shape sorting

Can you sort the shapes?

Use a shape sorter or find shapes from around your house.

Does the shape have straight or cured faces? Can your shape roll?

shape sorter(1).png

Try the online game - Shape sorter game

Can you feed the shapes to the correct monster?


Three and Four year olds


Phoneme/sound 'i'

(this is a phoneme/sound that we have already covered at nursery)

Phase 2.png

Can you make the sound (i)? Can you say the sound at the beginning of a word? Can you hear the sound (i) in words?

Show the children the letter i, do they know anything about it? (the sound/phoneme ((ensure it is the pure sound and not i-uh)) words containing the sound/phoneme, that it is a sound/phoneme  – not a number). 

Use the following link to take you to the parents page on the Little Wandle site Phase 2 phonemes/sounds and practise listening and saying 'i'. We have covered (s, a, t, p, i, n) at nursery.

Classroom challenge - Can you find objects starting with (i)? Can you practise writing (i)? Can you draw an object beginning with (i)?

Email any thoughs/pictures to


We are looking for your child to be able to: show an interest in representing numbers. Knows that quantities change when one is taken away.

Can you join in with a number song? Can you tell me what you see? Can you say what might happen next?

5 little men.png

Watch 5 Little Men in a flying saucer- 5 Little Men in a flying saucer

Explain that we are going to sing – 5 little men in a flying saucer… First we need to draw (or make) a flying saucer, or a rocket to take them to space. 

Start song – What will we need first? Do you have 5 men? Next, 1 man flew away – what do we need to do? Yes, we need to take 1 away. How many men do we have now?

Repeat until 0 and encourage your child to use their fingers to represent 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 men. 

CHALLENGE – Can you make a picture or model with 5 objects in it?

EXTENSION CHALLENGE (optional) - Can you make up your own countdown number song?


Gross Motor

We are looking for your child to continue to develope their balance and coordination

Can you use your body to balance? Can you make the yoga positions? How does it make you feel?

Mrs Evans and Mrs Nash would have continued their work on the book 'We're going on a Bear Hunt'.

Please follow the link to enjoy 'We';re going on a Bear Hunt' themed Cosmic Yoga - Try Cosmic Yoga here


Have a great day and stay safe. For those that are usaully in, we'll see you Monday! X



It has been lovely to recieve emails from some of you and hear your thoughts/pictures on the home learning.

Our friend Noah was able to locate a top to represent 't' in phonics. Well done Noah!

Another one of our friends had lots of fun with their family playing the memory game...great turn taking too!

Two Year olds Home Learning

Communication and Language/Reading

Miss Webb and the two year olds were due to read 'Say Hello to the Snowy animals' (very fitting)


Use this link to read the story and enjoy it together at home READ - 'Say Hello to the Snowy Animals'

Can you name each animal? Can you remember who they meet first? Can you create your very own Snowy Animal? Send thoughts/pictures to

Communication and Language/Phonics

Ask your child to pick a nursery rhyme from the choose board


Do you have a favourite Nursery rhyme?

Sing the chosen nursery rhyme to your child but miss out key words or phrases.

Encourage your child to fill in the missing words and phrases.

Can they sing the rhyme by them self?



Three and Four year olds

Mrs Evans and Mrs Nash would continue to read 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' - Read along with the author himself, Micael Rosen - 'We're going on a Bear Hunt'


Can you retell the story yourself? Can you make your own Bear Hunt Map? Where will you go? What will you travel through? Please send thoughts/ideas to


Phoneme/sound 'p'

(this is a phoneme/sound that we have already covered at nursery)

Can you make the sound (p)? Can you say the sound at the beginning of a word? Can you hear the sound (p) in words?

Show the children the letter p, do they know anything about it? (the sound/phoneme ((ensure it is the pure sound and not p-uh)) words containing the sound/phoneme, that it is a sound/phoneme  – not a number). 

Use the following link to take you to the parents page on the Little Wandle site Phase 2 phonemes/sounds and practise listening and saying 'p'. We have covered (s, a, t, p, i, n) at nursery.

Classroom challenge - Can you find objects starting with (p)? Can you practise writing (p)? Can you draw an object beginning with (p)?

Email any thoughs/pictures to



We are looking for your child to be able to recognise differences in quantities, saying when they different, using language more/less. To recognise number 3 and a group of 3. 

Can you say what is the same and different? Can you recognise 3?


Hodgey Podgey has been playing around in Numberland and says that these are all 3. 

Is he correct or not correct? How can we check? – count them, count in order, count each object with one number, say the last number again.

Can you find 3 and not 3?

EXTENSION (optional): Can you create your own Numberland 3 garden?



Here we go again...

This is certainly not how we wanted to spend today with school closed but the weather has dictated and we must stay safe. 

Here is a picture of a snowman that our friend Noah made...



Rhyming words (We are looking for your child to be able to: Show awareness of rhythm and rhyme.)

Can you join in and sing the nursery rhymes? Can you anticpate what the rhyming word will be?

At Puss Bank we use Little Wandle to teach phonics and early reading. Please follow this link to the parents page Little Wandle Parents Page and have a go at singing the nursery rhymes.

Can you find a nursery rhyme that you can sing from memory? Do you have a favourite nursery rhyme? Can you find a nursery rhyme that you have not sand before? Can you draw a picture of a character from a rhyme? 

Email your thoughts/pictures to 

Our nursery rhyme of the week at nursery is 'The Grand old Duke of York'


Phoneme/sound 't'

(this is a phoneme/sound that we have already covered at nursery)

Can you make the sound (t)? Can you say the sound at the beginning of a word? Can you hear the sound (t) in words?

Show the children the letter t, do they know anything about it? (the sound/phoneme ((ensure it is the pure sound and not tuh)) words containing the sound/phoneme, that it is a sound/phoneme  – not a number). 

Use the following link to take you to the parents page on the Little Wandle site Phase 2 phonemes/sounds and practise listening and saying 't'. We have covered (s, a, t, p, i, n) at nursery.

Classroom challenge - Can you find objects starting with (t)? Can you practise writing (t)?

Email any thoughs/pictures to

Problem Solving

Toy memory Game

Can you name each toy? Can you say which toy is missing?

Ask your child to find 3 toys and place them in a line. Ask them to point to each toy and say it's name. Ask your child to close their eyes or turn around - at this point, take 1 toy away.

Ask your child to look at the remaining 2 toys.

Which toy is missing?

Repeat the game until all 3 have had a turn of being missing.

You could try this game with 3 different toys or increase to 4 toys at a time.





Well...we were certainly not expecting a ANOTHER snow day!

We would much rather be at school with you!

Here is some home learning for you if you find yourself able to...

Understanding the World

Snow fun

Can you describe snow? What does it feel like? How does it make you feel? What can you make using snow? Can you build a snowman?

We would love to hear about your thoughts and see the fun you are having in the snow! Please email thoughts/pictures to

Christmas Recounts

Can you remember a key event? Can you describe what happenend? How did it make you feel?

Please recount a past event by describing it to your adult or drawing a picture. We would love to hear about what you got up to in the Christmas holidays.  Email to

Communication and Langauge/Literacy

If you didn't manage to read our story yesterday then please read it together today (see below)

This week we will be reading 'We're going on a Bear Hunt'. Once you have exhausted yourself outside in the snow, then why not snuggle up and read it yourself. 

Here is a link to the online book if you do not have it at home then listen to it here... We're going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen

Can you describe the key events? Who is in the story? Where do they go? Can you join in the repeated refrains? e.g. 'we're going on a Bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one! What a beautiful day. We're not scared' Can you draw a picture of the Bear?Email thoughts/pictures to


We can not wait to see you all again tomorrow!

Here is the 'shrek' snowman Mrs Evans built with her children yesterday...


Happy New Year!!!

Welcome back to our existing families and to our new families too!




Deadline for Reception school places 2025-2026

If your child turns 4 by 31st August 2025 then you must apply for their primary school place by 15th January 2025-

PTA Spring Disco

4.30pm – 5pm in the KS2 Hall (parents to stay)


Spring Half-Term Break

week beg Monday 17th February 2025


Training Day Monday 24th February 2025

School closed for staff training


Parents Evening

Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th February 2025


Nursery Transport Walk

Tuesday 11th March 9.15am-10.15am (letter to follow)


Easter Extravaganza!!

Nursery and Reception’s Easter Bonnet parade and Easter singalong. Wednesday 2nd April 2025 9.15am/2.30pm KS2 Hall


PTA Easter Bingo Night

Wednesday 2nd April beginning 5.30pm KS2 Hall – tickets on sale via Parent pay beginning of March 2025



What to bring to nursery?

  • Named coat
  • Named wellies (which can be left at nursery)
  • Named bag with spare clothes
  • Named sunhat and named sun cream (weather depended)

If your child is still in nappies then please bring a pack of nappies and wipes to be left at nursery. Alternatively, bring enough nappies and wipes in a named bag for that session. 
If your child is bringing in a packed lunch - named packed lunch box and named water bottle. (those having a school lunch do not need a water bottle.

If you have any questions then please email them to

Take care!

The Nursery Team

Mrs Evans, Mrs Nash, Miss Webb, Mrs Beresford, Mrs Chamilla, Miss Burgess, Mrs Rodgers, Mr Graba


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