Year 2 2024 - 2025
The Year 1 team is Mr Branskey, Miss Williams and Mrs Markham. If you have any concerns, please come and see us and we will be happy to answer any questions.
In English we will look at poetry - Ten Things in a Wizards pocket and then study the story of Mrs Armitage on wheels.
This half term we are continuing our Geography work. We will be looking at the continents, hot and cold places and then looking specifically at Australia. The link below provides extra lessons on this area of learning.
Below is an oak academy link which is on materials which is our science topic for this half term.
In Design Technology we will be looking at Puppets and working on our sewing skills.
Thanks for your support.
Year 1 and 2 Team.
It would be fantastic if you could continue to read regularly with your child and write a brief comment in their organiser.
Any issues or any things you would like to discuss please feel free to contact us to arrange a meeting.
This Year our PE days will be:
Miss Williams and Mrs Markham - Tuesday and Wednesday
Mr Branskey - Monday and Thursday
If you need to contact us then use the e-mails below: