Fairtrade at Puss Bank

During the last 2 years we  we have continued to learn about Fairtrade in year 5, as part of our Geography studies. In the staffroom and to visitors we continue to serve Fairtrade tea and coffee and we hope that when we are allowed to have our Traidcraft visitors in to school we will be baking and selling our Fairtrade treats as before! 

In the school year 2019-2020 we have done the following things to promote Fairtrade:

  • At the Harvest Festival held at St. Paul's Church we gave a presentation about why we should give thanks to the Fairtrade farmers around the world. We explained how Fairtrade farmers
  • At the Christmas fair we had a visit from our Traidcraft friends Steve and Jane Clare - they brought their stall with them and sold gorgeous products sourced from Fairtrade farmers and suppliers.
  • During Fairtrade fortnight Year 5 were taught about Fairtrade and how farmers lives around the world have been transformed for the better by joining Fairtrade co-operatives.
  • Year 5 baked Smartie cookies and Tiffin made with Fairtrade products.
  • We had a Fairtrade Tea and Coffee morning to promote Fairtrade in our school community and raised £90 for Traidcraft from donations.
  • We had a bake sale at the tea and coffee morning and raised £90 for Traidcraft.
  • We took part in the Macclesfield Town Fairtrade Poster competition during Fairtrade fortnight. Ollie, Amelia, Pola and Rylan's posters were on display at the Macclesfield Library.