Where to Get Help

This page is our 'where to go for advice' page.

We get sent so many links to web pages, agencies and groups offering help, workshops, courses and documents to read for information, we thought if we put it one place you can find it. Below you will find links to all sorts of agencies and documents that might just be what you are looking for.

E-Safety advice for parents- This webpage gives lots advice for parents on how to make sure your child's online experience is as safe as possible.

ANXIETY WORKSHOP at JUST DROP IN- Opportunity for advice and support for two sessions plus a 1:1 phonecall


The Anna Freud CentreĀ 

This webpage has many useful links to help you and your family through these uncertain times. The link below is useful for young people and may need an adult to help them try out some of the ideas or even read the page. The second link is a guide for parents about Self Care for themselves.

SELF CARE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE- Over 90 ideas to help young people who are suffering from anxiety.
SELF CARE FOR PARENTS- Ideas for parents who are struggling to look after themselves

Bereavement - Winston's Wish- Support after the death of a parent or sibling

Parent Zone- A comprehensive list of places to find help dealing with online safety, digital well-being, mental health and bullying

Thinkuknow- Online safety at home