Year 6 2024 - 2025

Spring into the New Year!

Welcome to the Spring Term 2025! Your teachers will continue to be Mrs Ashcroft and Mrs Walker. Can you guess which teacher is which photo?


We have lots of exciting learning planned to take us from now until Easter!



Our topic this term is Rivers. We will begin the unit with exploring why water is important to our lives and how settlements are built around water.  We will learn about how rivers are formed and the journey they take to the sea. Using atlases, we will locate the main rivers of the UK  and compare this to the location of major cities. We will study our local river (Bollin) through fieldwork at Macclesfield Forest where we will look at erosion, deposition, meanders and the journey of the river. The children will then use maps and atlases to locate other major rivers of the world, looking at the Mississippi to make comparisons with the River Bollin.   


This term, we will focus our learning on the physics strand of science. The children will begin the term by learning about electricity and understand how to construct circuits using a range of components. After the half-term break, we move on to light and will discover how we see things as well as many other fascinating facts about the colour spectrum.


During art, our focus will be on exploring sculpture as an art form. The children will study Gaudi's art and use his work as an inspiration for their own sculptures. In Design and Technology, the children will consider the impact of sustainability in food products so that they can create and devleop their own tasty break-time snack using a range of fairtrade ingredients and/or locally sourced ingredients.


This term, the children will engage in conversations using familiar vocabulary to ask and answer questions.


The children will continue to learn about themselves in the wider world, focusing on building and maintaining friendships, resolving conflict and setting personal goals. They will also learn more about different faiths and beliefs.


Using Purple Mash, children will extend their knowledge about how to create engaging presentations. They will also explore new functions within spreadsheets and databases.  


This year, Y6 will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday and should come to school in their P.E. kits on these days. This term we will be developing our skills in dodgeball and tag rugby.


Homework be set and collected using Teams and will consolidate the work done in class in English and Maths. It will go home on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday.


Year 6 Recommended Reading List 

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