
In PE, we aim to inspire all children to take part in competitive sports or other demanding physical activity, securing life-long participation and a healthy, active lifestyle for a sustained period of time.   Through providing all children with a wide range of sporting activities, we aim to engage and enthuse children to be motivated and challenge themselves further throughout their life.  Pupils will build on their resilience via critical evaluation of their own personal performance and be able to set new challenges.


To ensure that all children meet the expectations of our PE curriculum, each year group are timetabled to do a minimum of two PE lessons per week and take part in a Daily Mile to increase their fitness, stamina, concentration and motivation throughout.  As well as this, all children have the opportunity to take part in extracurricular sporting events, festivals and competitions throughout the year.

As a result of all teachers following our whole school PE curriculum map and programme of study, there is a clear progression of skills, knowledge and vocabulary throughout the school.  The focus of PE teaching in the EYFS and KS1 is upon teaching the fundamental skills of an all-round broad and balanced sporting curriculum progressing to that of KS2 which focuses upon using their learned skills to play specific sports to the best of their ability.  

Children are encouraged to improve their performance and evaluate this.  We highly value, and use, the expertise of external coaches who offer learning opportunities that enhance those delivered by our teachers.  

How we ensure progression:

In the Early Years, physical development is a prime area for development within the EYFS curriculum and hence is a focus when considering the set-up of the continuous provision. Children have access to the indoor and outdoor environment throughout the day. In the outdoor provision children have opportunities to develop their gross motor skills through climbing steps, riding bikes, using apparatus and negotiating space. Upon entering Reception children will begin formal PE lessons.

In planning for PE lessons, staff refer to the units of work on the long term plan and ensure all are covered in their year group.  Each unit is underpinned by a tight scheme of work, which enables the children to revisit previous learning in this aspect of PE and then build on it.  The learning objectives and progression from PE Passport is delivered consistently in all year groups, including when coaches or class teachers are delivering lessons.  Clear progression of knowledge is made explicit through a detailed vocabulary progression, designed by the school, which teachers ensure is incorporated in their planning.  Previous assessment is also used and collated within PE passport to ensure teachers always have access to prior learning information when planning lessons.  At the end of each unit of work, children have opportunity to use their new learning and skills in a tournament relevant to the sport they have been learning, and evaluate their own progress.  Currently the only variation to this is swimming, where we are transitioning from a different scheme.

External sporting providers

We have strong relationships with external sporting providers to develop community links and allow children at Puss Bank School and Nursery to experience a wide range of extracurricular sport.  As well as learning the knowledge and skills associated with PE, children are also taught to develop their skills of communication, collaboration, resilience, honesty, respect, leadership and perseverance in all PE lessons throughout.

As PE attracts significant funding through the Primary PE and Sport Premium, the PE leads, and members of the Senior Leadership Team will ensure this spending is in line with the 5 key priorities:

  • To engage all pupils in regular physical activity.
  • To raise the profile of PE across the school.
  • Increase the knowledge, confidence and skills of staff in teaching PE throughout the school.
  • Broaden the experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  • Increase the participation in competitive sport.

By the end of Year 6 all children will have been given opportunities to:

  • Meet or learn about different professional athletes and sporting heroes through assemblies, visitors and curriculum topics linked to sporting events or whole school values.
  • Develop leadership skills through leading warmups in KS1 and applying for sports leaders and supporting sports events in KS2.
  • Represent Puss Bank School and Nursery at county or cluster competitions or festivals. All children in KS2 will also compete in termly intra sports competitions.
  • Experience a broad range of sports and sporting activities as part of their regular PE lessons, these will include activities which take place inside and outside of the school grounds.
  • Compete/participate in cluster sporting events organised by Puss Bank School and Nursery Primary School.
  • Leave primary school as a confident and competent swimmer.

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