Our amazing Art Work inspired by Jim Dine
Snow Day 5 - Friday 10th January
Hi Year 4,
What a strange week it has been, we hope you are all ok. Make the most of the extra time off school, practise those times tables a lot and catch up on the fun stuff too!
We are really, really looking forward to catching up with you all on Monday. Hopefully, the school site will be safe enough for us all to be there.
2PM TODAY!!!!!!!!
Wow! A chance to tune in with our local Macclesfield artist, Marc Jackson and take part in a LIVE DRAW session.
45 minutes of FREE cartooning and fun!
Friday Maths
TT Rockstars - we have a NEW class battle 4S v 4CW maximum of 30 minutes between today and Sunday. This doesn't mean you can't go on for longer but you need to get on and complete 30 minutes to help your class win!!!
We will be checking our heat maps out next week - let's hope we can see an improvement from the beginning of December!
Carrying on with practising our addition skills, can you complete the following- remember to use column method.
Maths activity
Can you tell the time?
Telling the time isn't just digital time but understanding the 24 hour clock will help you understand whether it is day or night time. Have a go.
I can read the time on a 12 and 24 hour digital clock.
Friday English
We all struggle from time to time with how to punctuate speech in our writing. Watch the video and complete the work on the worksheet. No need to print the worksheet- just do the work on a piece of paper of your homework book if it is at home.
You can pause the video and replay it as well, if you need to listen again.
I can accurately punctuate a speech first sentence.
Fun Friday challenge
Friday Alphabet
Find an object around your house that starts with each letter of the alphabet. 1 point for just the letter- e.g. apple, but add in alliteration amazing apple and award yourself 2 points.
Challenge someone else in your house- who can win the most points?
Friday indoor activity
I tested this out yesterday- go for it and I hope you enjoy it!
Get ready to burn energy with our NEW KIDS WORKOUT - a fun-filled Home Exercise Class designed exclusively for kids, brought to you by Cosmic Kids Sports! 🏃♂️🌈 #KidsWorkout #HomeExercise #CosmicKidsSports In this exciting and dynamic video, we invite children of all ages to join Jaime in a series of playful and engaging exercises ...
Snow Day 4 - Thursday 9th January
Good morming, we hope you are all staying safe. School is closed until Monday 13th January. Here are some activities for today.
2PM TODAY!!!!!!!!
Wow! A chance to tune in with our local Macclesfield artist, Marc Jackson and take part in a LIVE DRAW session.
45 minutes of FREE cartooning and fun!
Today we will look at different ways to start a sentence to make our writing more instrering! Watch this video and then write a sentence for each way to start a sentence.
TT Rockstars is ongoing and you still have the opportunity to earn lots of dojos!
You can also practise your column addition using the sheet
Adding suffixes - ed, ing, er
watch the video and write some sentences using these words that contain a suffix.
Please read page 1 and 2 and answer the questions on page 3
For PE today, please do some cosmic yoga. here is the video link
Snow Day 3 - Wednesday 8th January
Good Morning! You all must be very persuasive. School remains closed! Please see the activities below for today.
TT Rockstars is ongoing, you have the opportunity to collect lots of dojos! Every 5 minutes you complete will earn you a dojo!
In addition, there is a lesson you can access on Oak Academy that will help warm your brains up for school when we reopen! See below:
Can you write a story about a snowman that comes alive? What adventures will it go on? Who will be in the story? Can you make a story made to help plan your story? Remember you will need to have a beginning, middle and end!
Snow Day 2- Tuesday 7th January
Well we didn't expect this again- maybe some of those letters you wrote yesterday influenced Mrs Hammond and the weather!
If you didn't do any of the work from yesterday- get started now, who knows we might get another day off!
If you did complete all the tasks from yesterday here are some more for you to do:
Continue on TTRockstars- only a small number of you did this yesterday and there are is a DOJO for every 5 minutes you spend on there today which we can see on our teacher pages.
Design a multiplication game- draw it out on a piece of paper like a board game, or make a card game up. Design it for the times tables you find trickiest- you could use your heat map on TTRockstars to help you decide which questions you need to practice. If you feel confident, then design a game to challenge your friends - choose the trickiest questions up to 12 x12.
Can you write a poem about being in the snow- you could use the Matt Goodfellow ideas we used last term to describe how you move through an icy/snowy landscape to get home only to find you have forgotten your keys or the other way round to get to school to find out it was closed!
Test yourself on words from the back of the organiser- How many of the Year 3 and 4 words do you definitely know? You need to know them all by the end of Year 4.
Spend some time enjoying a book today- maybe you could read and sip a hot chocolate at the same time.
This term we will be learning about Volcanoes- do some research and make a fact file about a volcano that interests you- maybe it is because you have visited it? Or have you been to that country where it is?
Monday 6th January
Snow Day
Good morning Year 4
Happy New Year! We hope that you have enjoyed your time off with your families. We are sure you are going to go and enjoy the snow, but in case you are indoors, the following activities will get your brains back in school mode for tomorrow!
TTRockstars – can you earn a DOJO for every 5 minutes you complete between 9am and 3pm today?
Write a letter to persuade school to either stay closed tomorrow or to open tomorrow. You must include reasons why school should or shouldn’t open. Who can be the most persuasive and convince us all that their reason is the best? We will read them in class.
Read your favourite book
Go and look around the house for any school books that are ‘forgotten’ about- we need everyone to check their shelves, under the bed, behind the sofa and anywhere else they might be!
Did you read a new book over the holidays? Can you write a 50-word review to share in the book corner in school?
Snow activities
Build a snowman- take a photo!
How long does it take to melt?
Perhaps you can think of a snowy experiment to complete.
Have a lovely day and see you all tomorrow
Mrs Curzon and Mrs Smith
Welcome to Year 4
Contacting us
Parents can contact teachers through the blue organiser - make sure your child knows there is a message to hand in. You can also use our e-mail addresses, which will be monitored on weekdays during term time and we will endeavour to reply within 72 hours. Please may we remind you that verbal messages at collection and drop-off times are welcome if brief. If you need more time to discuss something, pop a note in the organiser to let us know you need a longer appointment or drop us an e-mail to say so and we can ensure your query gets our full attention.
Mrs Curzon (Mon-Tue) & Mrs Walsh (Wed-Fri) - 4CW.homework@pussbank.cheshire.sch.uk
Mrs Smith - 4S.homework@pussbank.cheshire.sch.uk
We will finish our persuasive writing unit based on the Day the Crayons Quit book. The next text we will use to inspire and support our writing is The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.
Maths will continue to build on our knowledge of multiplication and division by delving deeper and applying our knowledge to solve problems and justify our answers. The children will also be doing daily practice of timetables through 99 Club and TTRockstars. The children are used to this club and most find it fun to challenge themselves to keep moving up the clubs. If your child shares any worries or concerns with you at home, please let your child's teacher know because we want learning times tables to be a positive experience and we are here to help.
By the end of Year 4, the children are expected to know all multiplication facts to 12 x12 and so this key knowledge will also have considerable emphasis throughout the whole year. Children will need to make this a priority in their homework. TT Rockstars will be set weekly and it is expected they complete the minutes. If you have trouble accessing the app or website, please let your child's teacher know.
The children will continue learning about Electricity before moving onto States of Matter.
We will be learning all about volcanoes this term, including how they formed and where they are located in the world.
Art & DT
In art, we will explore artwork by Jim Dine and use it to inspire our next masterpieces. We will also continue to build and improve our sketching skills and explore different materials to work with.
We are learning about basic first aid skills and healthy relationships.
P.E Days
Monday & Friday
On these days only, the children should come to school in their P.E. kit. Please ensure the correct school kit is worn. Earrings removed, please.
We begin the term with coding more complex scenes on Purple Mash, building on skills and knowledge from last year. Don't forget you can log on at home and use Purple Mash!
Weekly homework is now set using the orange homework books, with the half term's activities glued in. It is given out on a Friday and should be handed in to the teacher by the following Wednesday. A copy of the homework grid is also published on teams. You can, of course, submt completed homework to us on teams or in your orange books. If you have difficulties in accessing homework this year, please let class teachers know so we can help. Homework is not set in the first week of half term. TTRS is your child's maths homework and they should aim to complete 21 minutes of Garage sessions over the week.
Please, please do continue to read to your child and to hear them read aloud. Your child has been given a day of the week on which they should bring their books for changing, which is written in their organiser. In class, there is a wide selection of books available for their reading pleasure and children also are able to borrow books of their choosing from the KS2 library to read at school. It is fantastic to hear children telling us what they read at home and even that they have been inspired by our class book choices to find the same or similar books in the library or bookshop. Please send organisers and reading books in every day.
Year 4 Statutory Times Tables Assessment
This year, all children will complete the times tables assessment. They will have the opportunity to see how the test works by first having a practice session. To prepare for this test, we will set times tables as homework all year long, whilst keeping tables a priority in class at school as part of the Maths curriculum and having some time allocated in school for using TT Rockstars or Purple Mash. The Purple Mash times tables app has the most similar format to that of the test itself and it is worth using this to practise.
Times Tables Check
Maths Frame
BBC Bitesize
Recommended Reading List For Year 4