
At Puss Bank, we ensure that we aim to equip our children with the knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and world views, to enable them to establish their own values and beliefs in order to positively contribute to society. We follow the Cheshire East Religious education syllabus, which has been designed by SACRE, and was adapted and improved in 2022. Our RE curriculum is a spiral curriculum, where knowledge is built upon each year, as children progress through the school, to allow our children to develop a deep understanding of the various religions and world views that we teach.


"We live in an ever-changing multi- cultural society and a good understanding of other cultures is crucial to young people’s personal development and understanding of the world In which we live. This syllabus seeks to offer help and advice to teachers so that pupils can engage with the challenges of the many spiritual, moral, social, and cultural questions that modern life throws at them and creates opportunities for them to develop their own beliefs." 

Gillian Merry, Chair of Cheshire East SACRE 2022

Throughout our RE curriculum from EYFS up to year 6, there are six ‘sticky threads’ that support the substantive knowledge across the year groups:

  • God, the world and self
  • Authority
  • Personal belief
  • Marking life’s journey
  • Religious and non-religious views
  • Belonging 

Enquiry-led questions are used to teach our children key knowledge of the religions and world views, as well as to focus the discussions that we encourage so that the children can develop their own ideas and critical thinking. These questions are explored in one of three ‘ways of knowing’:

  • Theological - looking at our ways of thinking,
  • Philosophical- asking meaningful questions
  • Human and social science- how it impacts on the world. 

Our RE Curriculum also provides opportunities to promote British values through an acceptance that ourselves and other people can have different beliefs and values, whether they are religious or non-religious, and that this should be respected and accepted. We encourage a mutual respect and positive attitudes towards diversity, and ensure that our children respond to different religious and non-religious beliefs with tolerance and empathy.

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