Nursery Places and Information

Booking is Now Open for Summer 2025! Closing Date - 28th February 2025

If your child comes to nursery already and you would like to change the hours/days for the summer term please click the link below.

If you are new and interested in starting at our nursery please fill a nursery application form and send it to the office which you can find on the bottom of the page.

Booking Form - Summer Term 2025


Tour Dates for Summer 2025

  • Tuesday 11th February / 10am to 11am or 1:30pm to 2:30pm

  • Friday 14th February / 10am to 11am or 1:30pm to 2:30pm

  • Friday 28th February / 10am to 11am or 1:30pm to 2:30pm

Places at Puss Bank Nursery

Places are available on a termly basis for children aged 2-4 years old. These places are available from the term after their 2nd birthday, or any subsequent term.

Application forms are available from the School Office, the Nursery or can be found at the bottom of the page. Completing one of these forms means your child will go onto our waiting list.

Booking forms are sent out in October, February and May for places for the following terms, which commence in January, April and September, respectively. Booking forms are sent to all children on the waiting list the term after their 2nd and 3rd birthday, and to any new applicants on the waiting list who are eligible to start.

Along with the booking form, you will receive a nursery booklet inviting you to a tour of the nursery and to meet the team. This visit is an invaluable chance for your child to see and play in the Nursery before they start, and for you as the parent to gain information about starting Nursery and to ask any questions.



30 hours is here! Check your eligibility for 30 hours entitlement for 3&4 year olds at

We also now accept both disadvantaged and working parent funding for 2 year olds. This is 15 hours. You can check your eligibility on the Government website. 

Session Times

Out of School Club: 7:45am - 8:45am (from 3 years plus)

Morning Session: 8:45am - 11:45am

Lunchtime Care Session: 11:45am - 12:15pm

Afternoon Session: 12:15pm - 3:15pm

Out of School Club: 3:15pm - 5:45pm (from 3 years plus)

Prices from September 2024

Children up to the end of the term of their 3rd birthday (before eligible for 15/30 hours free entitlement): 

£6.30 per hour (all hours in each session attended must be paid for.) 

Children from the term after their 3rd birthday:

£5.50 per hour (all hours in each session attended must be paid for.)

School dinners can be ordered at a cost of £3.00 per meal.