

At Puss Bank School and Nursery, it is our intent that we make music an enjoyable learning experience.  Our children will be exposed to a variety of musical genres, both past and present and from all over the world, in order to develop musical appreciation.  Through exploration, children will make progress in the skills of musicianship, appraisal, singing, composition and performance.  We aim to give pupils a love of music and an appreciation of it as a universal language.  We aim wherever possible to make cross circular links for pupils and introduce them to a range of musical terminology.


Sing Up Music Curriculum:

We are using the Sing Up Curriculum to provide music delivery for all year groups apart from year 5.  Within each unit of work there are opportunities for performing, composing, singing, appraisal and musicianship.  Every year group builds on knowledge from the previous year group.


By the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils should be able to:

Express and communicate when music makes them feel happy and sad.
Recognise and explore how sounds can be changed, sing simple songs from memory, with a big focus on familiar songs e.g. nursery rhymes.  
Explore how sounds are made e.g. shaking, tapping and banging untuned percussion. 


The main focus is on singing in time, keeping to a beat, using untuned percussion wherever possible to compose and perform various types of music.  Pupils are exposed to a wide range of music across multiple genres.


Year 3: will be using recorders to complete compositions and performances.  As well as singing where specified.

Year 4: will be using pBuzz (beginner brass instrument) to introduce them to brass and progress from recorder to the workings of a brass instrument and beginning to buzz to create a sound.  They will use pBuzz to compose and perform.

Year 5:  will participate in Wider Opportunities Bb Brass - this will be delivered by Love Music Trust with one brass tutor and one woodwind tutor.  This will also be where there is an opportunity to perform with the Halle.

Year 6: Using technology to create music and consolidating all the previous learning to compose, perform, appraise with increasing confidence and accuracy.

Should you want to do some music making at home, these are a few links you can explore:

Activities- BBC Music lessons allow you to listen and complete different activities.
Composing- Chrome Music Lab has a variety of composition tools for you to play with.
Piano- Virtual Piano to allow you to compose and create your own music.