
Homework will continue to be set on a Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday.

We post homework on TEAMS. Login details are the same as last year.  If you have forgotten these, please inform your class teacher. 

Sometimes homework might be set on TTRockstars or Purple Mash. The children frequently use these apps in school and have their individual log in details. We would encourage the children to also spend a minimum of 5 minutes per day using TTRockstars to build confidence with multiplication recall.

We will also be setting weekly spellings to learn, the children can also make use of spelling games in Purple Mash and using the spooky spelling game on the link below if they wish to do so in the meantime:


Reading Challenge

Here at Puss Bank School, we also love to promote reading for pleasure! So reading for homework every day is also encouraged. Find a cosy, comfy place to read, read, read! We know you will read your book banded books as well as books by your favourite authors but how will you extend your reading range this year? The challenge sheet below will give you some ideas.  Please keep your teacher informed about your reading journey by noting your thoughts and observations in your blue organiser as you read.  Your class Teams page may also have a reading channel where you can post your reflections and recommendations. 

Recommended Reads for Year 5

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