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Year 5 will be lining up on the KS2 playground, at the far end near the trees and will be dismissed at the end of the day from the same place.

We ask that parents don't come to the line unless you need to talk to the teacher as it will be quite a busy corner with Year 5 and Year 3 lining up in close proximity.

Children returning to school in September should be dressed in their school uniform and it is a good idea for these items to be labelled with their name. Jumpers especially can be very hard to reunite with an owner!  School will provide all the necessary stationery and equipment that the children need. The children will continue to use their blue organisers to convey reminders or short messages between home and school. Children should bring a named water bottle,  a packed lunch if one is required, and as the weather is becoming Autumnal, a warm /waterproof coat.   Specifics of school uniform are set out in the blue organisers.