School Council


The Student Council are going to be introducing a Good Manners Certificate after Easter. They want you to be caught using good manners. Rubin and Paige have designed a brand new certificate and we all think they've done a great job.

We hope that you will try your hardest to be caught using your good manners. After all, manners don't cost anything!

Congratulations to the new members of the Student Council who were voted for by their classmates on Wednesday 19th October.

New Student Council

Wren and Bradley

Cassius and Noah

Esme and Matthew

Eliza and Noah

Aaron and Leo

Layla and Evie

Marnie and Bella

Paige and Rubin

The Mayor of Macclesfield visited Year 5 assembly to announce the Student Councillors

Student Council at Puss Bank School and Nursery

We have two councils, one for KS1 and one for KS2. We have two representatives from each class on the KS1 council and the same for KS2! 

Mr Branskey is in charge of the Student Council in KS1.

Mrs Smith is in charge of the Student Council in KS2.

Each council meets once a week, as often as possible to discuss any issues that have arisen at class council meetings. We get asked lots of questions and give pupil opinion quite a lot to teachers when they are working on new things to make our school even more fabulous.

Once a term we meet altogether to discuss whole school issues.

September 2022

Welcome back to school!

This term we will elect a new student council.

If you want to be a student councillor, you need to stand for election. Just like in the British Parliament we hold democratic elections. Anyone who thinks they would make a good candidate based on what their class thinks are the characteristics of a fantastic class representative can put their name forward to their class teacher.  They will have to make a poster and deliver a speech to their class to show they can speak in front of people, listen to and answer questions.

Then, each class will vote for their class student councillors- we like to have a boy and girl from each class so we represent everyone.

We will be announcing the the new council members with the help fo the Mayor of Macclesfield Mr David Edwardes.

Good Luck everyone!

February 2020 & Summer 2021

Both councils met and we discussed having a project that we could call our legacy when we move year groups in the Summer.  There was a lot of ideas but everyone decided that we wanted to improve the appearance of outdoors by planting more flowers in tubs and planters around the playgrounds.  We decided we needed money to pay for equipment and plants, so Mr Branskey suggested that we could have an 'everyone wear green day' and a cake sale so that is exactly what we did! We have raised some money to get us started and will have another attempt at raising funds in the future!! 

Following this, Lockdown came.  We did plant more flowers over the summer 2021 and they looked lovely. 

November 2019

The Mayor of Macclesfield, Janet Jackson came to school to talk to us about how and why she became the Mayor of our town.  She was absolutely lovely and we had a very informative assembly learning all about her robes and the Mayoral chain. 

She also announced the names of the children on the new Student Council in KS2.

Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.

UNCRC Article 12- Every child has the right to say what they think in all matters affecting them, and to have their views taken seriously.