Year 2

In Christianity, children will further their understanding of Christmas and Easter by identify at least 4 aspects of how these festivals are celebrated by Christians, explaining why each event might be important to them.

They will reflect on their knowledge of the church and be able to describe at least three things a minister/church leader might do through asking him/her questions. They will understand that the minister leads worship and leads special celebrations in a church, as well as working in the community.

They will be able to talk about how Christians refer to Jesus in different ways e.g. called the Son of God; God made man, God the Son.

They will understand that there are different kinds of genre/writing in the Bible e.g. stories about Jesus/Stories told by Jesus and how the messages in these are often used to help guide own lives today.

In Judaism they will revisit and build on the aspects introduced in Year 1. They will identify how the rules in the Torah can guide a Jew in their lives.  They will describe some of what happens at the synagogue and understand the Jews visit the synagogue for worship and special celebrations. They will be able to describe the role of the rabbi and compare this to the role of a minister taught in Christianity.  This will help them to draw out similarities and differences between the roles of religious leaders.

They will continue to make links between religions (and, where appropriate, the impact of these on their own lives) They will deepen these links further by considering religious questions e.g.- Why is Abraham important to both Jews and Christians? Why did Moses find it difficult to obey God?  They will also begin to talk thoughtfully and with respect on a range of spiritual questions, e.g. Why do people worship?