Year 1

In Year 1, children will learn about Christianity and Judaism.

In Christianity they will build on their knowledge from EYFS and be able to recall the main events from the Christmas and Easter Bible stories linking these stories with Christianity.

Children will refer back to their understanding of how Christians go to church and now learn the most important features found in all churches both inside and outside.  They focus on the importance of these features e.g. why churches contain a font. They will know that Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God and explain why the Bible is a Christian’s holy book.  They will talk about how Christians describe God.

In Judaism they will learn that the Torah is a holy book for Jews.    Children will study the Shabbat and describe how and why Jews celebrate, making comparisons to other celebrations they have learnt about.

They will also be introduced to cross religious views through exploring how different families welcome babies.  This will enable the children to make comparisons and help them to see similarities and differences between religions.