Year 5

In Year 5 the children will continue to build on their knowledge and understanding of Christianity. Their previous learning will enable them to explain the roles of ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’ (Trinity) in the Christian view of God.  They will be able to use their familiarity with the Easter story to explain how this celebration links to the idea of Jesus reconciling people to God so that Christians can live forgiven in relationship with God, (sacrifice and reconciliation). Previous insight gained on the Bible will enable them to identify ways in which Christians believe the Old Testament prophecies speak about Jesus. They will demonstrate an understanding of the ways that Christians believe God is with them through prayer and worship.

In Islam, children will build on prior knowledge to identify and understand that Muslims believe the Prophets who came before Muhammad (pbuh) all taught the same message. Their earlier teaching about the Quran will enable them to appreciate and explain why it is so important to Muslims. They will understand Muslims believe that to have ‘inner peace with God’ humans must follow and submit to Allah’s guidance and will.  Children will explore the purpose and uses of the mosque.

Children will be introduced to Hinduism in Year 5. They will:

-Outline some of the stories of Vishnu, Rama and Sita and explain their significance for a Hindu.

-Identify key Hindu symbols and explain their meaning, e.g. Aum, Swastika.

-Describe how and suggest why Hindus celebrate a festival such as Diwali and Holi.

They will build on their skills of exploring across religions (and, where appropriate, the impact of these on their own lives) by studying one of the following:

 -outlining, comparing and contrasting key Christian, Hindu and Muslim beliefs about God and make links to other perspectives and viewpoints.

-Compare and contrast Christians/Hindu/Muslim pilgrimages and reflect on how they affect believers.